John 4:29

Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! He cannot be the Messiah, can he?

Jesus knew everything about this woman at the well, her shady past, her long list of sins, even the pain she must have suffered. He knows everything but he loves her anyway. It is the gospel in miniature. It is a follow up to the word he shared with Nicodemus and everyone else when Jesus proclaimed, “For God so loved the world…”

She is so excited by this news she runs back to the village and becomes the first evangelist in the church as she shouts to any and all, “Come and see!” That is what love will do. It energizes, excites and pushes us to a new life. It brings what matters most into focus.

Anna Carter Florence writes about this woman at the well. “In that moment, she sees God. She sees Christ and leaps up to tell.” Sometimes the love that is in our lives is hard to see and difficult to feel. I suspect, however, that if we are able to see the love that is present in our lives, our eyes will be opened too. That new vision of love will help us see God.

Prayer: Open my eyes, Lord. Help me see You. AMEN.

Dr. R. Glen Miles
Senior Minister