About admincccckc

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So far admincccckc has created 551 blog entries.

Fifty Years Later

Fifty years ago, at the end of the march on Washington, Martin Luther King proclaimed with passion and hope, “I have a dream…” That march, empowered by King’s sermon, helped to turn back the tide of racism in our country. Racism continues to be a terrible thing but five decades later we Read More...

2013-09-02T20:42:17-05:00September 2, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Life Under Pressure

When our lives are under pressure it can feel like we have been abandoned by God.  St. John of the Cross calls this the “dark night of the soul.”              I have been asked many times by parishioners, by neighbors, even by strangers on airplanes: How can I avoid this dark night?  Read More...

2013-07-31T19:25:21-05:00July 31, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

A Word from Glen, July 26, 2013

I hope to see you this Sunday for Part 2 in my sermon series “Overwhelmed.”  This week’s focus is “Hurt and Hope.” Have you ever been unfairly criticized, misunderstood or wrongly attacked?  If so you’ll resonate with this week’s reading from Psalm 69.  There we will hear the cry of one who Read More...

2013-07-29T15:40:00-05:00July 29, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Teach Us to Forgive

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Forgiveness is at the heart of the Gospel.  Learning to both receive and give forgiveness is at the heart of every relationship that matters.  Receiving and giving forgiveness is not always an easy thing. Accepting forgiveness is hard because we have a Read More...

2013-07-22T15:38:32-05:00July 22, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Love from the Center

Paul, the apostle, wrote, “Let love be genuine.” The Greek word translated here as “genuine” can be read literally as “un-hypocritical.”  Let love be un-hypocritical.  The popular translation of the Bible known as The Message translates this first verse to say: “Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it.”  Read More...

2013-07-08T19:21:20-05:00July 8, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Summer Reading

Every year as the days get longer I offer a list of books that I have, or I am hoping to, read.  Here’s the latest: What We Talk About When We Talk About God, by Rob Bell.  I read this powerful little book during a plane flight on my way back to Read More...

2013-06-20T15:04:22-05:00June 20, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Minister to Children, Youth and Families

The Minister to Children, Youth and Families (the "Minister") is a full-time program and staff position reporting to the Senior Associate Minister.  The following job description is based on our current ministry to children and families, incorporating duties from the area of youth ministry.  This job description is expected to change and Read More...

2013-06-19T19:28:57-05:00June 19, 2013|Categories: Stay Informed|

Learning to Pray

I find the practice of prayer powerful and difficult at the same time.  The powerful moments come when my prayer life is in full swing and I realize I can handle almost anything that comes along.  When I make space in my schedule for 30 minutes of quiet time spent in silence Read More...

2013-06-05T20:38:01-05:00June 5, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Summer Sermons – Invite a Friend

I’m preaching two sermon series this summer that I am really looking forward to delivering.  The first one, “Living the God Life,” is based on Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia and is inspired by John Ortberg’s book of the same title. The Galatians were becoming quite strict in the practice Read More...

2022-10-25T10:17:55-05:00May 29, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

2013 Trip – Thursday, May 9

Awoke this a.m. to the weather radio streaming a severe thunderstorm warning for Jasper County. Yep, that’s Joplin.  The storm passed through without incident but maybe because we’re in Joplin and we’re rebuilding after a tornado it was a bit unnerving.  Also, I was questioning my ‘executive’ decision to get an early Read More...

2013-05-13T20:06:36-05:00May 13, 2013|Categories: Joplin Mission Trip Blogs|

On Why I Love This Church

I’m preaching this Sunday on the gift of love.  While working on my notes for the sermon I made a list of all the things I love about our congregation.  I did this as a spiritual exercise, as a prayer of thanksgiving for you, the members and friends of this church. As Read More...

2013-05-09T14:27:35-05:00May 9, 2013|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|
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