About Lara Schopp

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So far Lara Schopp has created 1112 blog entries.

2018 Nicaragua Trip Begins

Day 1 began at the Nehemiah Center, CEPAD’s central headquarter in Managua. After a delicious breakfast (muy rico!), we gathered for an informal service, led by Rev. Sam. We started by sharing thoughts and anxieties about our week here, meaningful scripture and spent time praying for ourselves and one another. Toward the Read More...

2018-02-28T09:30:36-06:00February 26, 2018|Categories: 2018 Nicaragua Mission Trip Blog, Mission Trips, Mission Trips, Serve|

Proposed Changes to Bylaws

Proposed changes to the church's bylaws were presented at a Congregational meeting on Sun., Feb. 25. These changes will be voted on at Congregational meetings after each worship service on Sun., Apr. 8. Click here to review the draft copy of the proposed changes.

2018-02-25T09:26:28-06:00February 25, 2018|Categories: Church Governance, Church Life|

40 Days – Lance Jessee

The Latin and Greek words for Lent can be translated as “Forty Days” and “Fortieth.” The Sundays between Ash Wednesday and Easter are not included as part of the 40 days. If they were, Lent would be 46 days long. In our scriptures, 40 days is often used to mark a significant Read More...

2018-02-22T14:33:23-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: 2018 Lenten Devotions|

2018 Lenten Devotions

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2018-02-22T14:34:27-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Shining Like the Sun

Space does not permit me to name the differences between serving in the seminary and the local church, although as Fred Craddock used to rightly remind folks, the seminary is the education wing of the church. One year ago, I began my time at Country Club Christian as the interim guest preacher. A year later I’m on staff full-time. Many of you have asked how it’s going, do I like it, those sorts of inquiries.

2018-02-22T10:54:52-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

Memorial Easter Lilies

Honor a loved one by purchasing a memorial Easter lily to be displayed in the Sanctuary on Easter Sunday. Deadline for orders is Mar. 19. Pick up an order form in the parlor. Return the completed form with payment of $25 to Carla Rauth. Questions? Contact Carla at 816-381-9241.

2018-02-22T10:51:04-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Congregational Care|

What Are You Reading?

During these 40 days of Lent, many of us look for ways to deepen the spiritual journey. One way is to pray, to have a conversation with the Divine One. But getting started with prayer isn’t always so easy. First you need to get yourself in the right frame of mind. One way that I like to pray is to first open a book

2018-02-22T10:42:58-06:00February 22, 2018|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |
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