Sunday Night Youth Dinners

Sunday evenings are off to a great start with lots of energy and activity! Again this semester we are asking families to provide dinner for Sunday evenings 1-2 times per year.  Here is the sign-up genius link  so you can pick your Sunday evening and see more details about guidelines. Pay online for Sunday Night Dinners Scrambling Read More...

2019-02-14T11:00:45-06:00February 14, 2019|Categories: Youth Ministry|

Partnership Sunday is February 24

Partnership Sunday is a time to celebrate the church’s Mission and Outreach partnerships with Kansas City organizations and neighborhoods who share a vision for creating a thriving community. Representatives from partners agencies will participate in worship, will be in the parlor between services for conversation and connection, and all are invited for Read More...

2019-02-14T10:49:25-06:00February 14, 2019|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church, Special Events|

Pathways to Learning – Race, Equity and the Christian Response

“Race, Equity and the Christian Response” Pathways to Learning is a series of elective offerings open to everyone, focusing upon timely topics on the Bible, spirituality, current events, family life and technology. 10:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m. in the Social Hall. This series will examine race and equity in our lives, our city Read More...

2019-02-14T10:52:23-06:00February 14, 2019|Categories: Adult-ministry, Connect, Serve, Visitor Information|

Reflections on Pathways

Anne Haraughty, Ministries Coordinator If you were fortunate enough to attend Pathways to Learning last Sunday morning, you may still be digesting the information that was presented. Pakou Ker, Principal and Lead Organizer of the Tseng Development Group, led the first of two sessions concerning racial equity. She challenged us to name Read More...

2019-02-14T08:39:49-06:00February 14, 2019|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

2019 High School Mission Trip Details

High Schoolers (those completing grades 9-12 for the 2018-2019 school year) will travel on an international mission trip June 6-12, 2019. This trip was original planned for Nicaragua, where Country Club Christian Church has enjoyed a rich mission relationship with CEPAD, the Council of Protestant Churches in Nicaragua, for more 15 years. Read More...

2019-02-14T11:06:54-06:00February 10, 2019|Categories: Connect, Mission Trips, Youth Ministry|

My Comfort With Silence

Corey Meyer, Director of Mission Partnerships They told my mother I wasn’t ready for kindergarten. In Blue Springs they would do an interview-like meeting to assess whether children had learned some basic skills and were ready to be in the classroom. My “growing edge” (as we would say it today): social skills. Read More...

2019-01-31T14:06:48-06:00January 31, 2019|Categories: Articles, Corey Meyer|

2018 Christmas Offering Raises more than $36,000

The 2018 Christmas offering raised $36,785.07 to support programs empowering people to learn and live a life of self-sufficiency. Local recipients of this offering were Grace United Community Ministries, Harmony Project KC, and Literacy KC. International recipients were FEDICE in Ecuador and CEPAD in Nicaragua. Thank you for your generous gifts to Read More...

2019-01-31T14:04:19-06:00January 31, 2019|Categories: Give, Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

We Come Together

Two- year-old George bounded down the center aisle with his big brothers and plopped down on the red carpeted steps in front of the communion table. Two seconds into the children’s sermon George stood, climbed up and cozied himself right into Rev Joe Walker’s lap. Though we were only eight minutes into the 9:01 worship service, with offering, communion and sermon still to go, for me the worship was already complete.

2019-01-31T10:12:37-06:00January 30, 2019|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |
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