No Service and Fully Connected

When I realize I am digitally disconnected from world a slight panic mode ensues. At first it's a lonely feeling because I spend my life 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year connected to the world through the technology of my cell phone and internet. The what ifs start creeping into mind...

2018-07-12T09:42:53-05:00July 12, 2018|Categories: Articles, Corey Meyer|

The Ladder

Some days, I read a Wendell Berry poem as a prayer. This one particularly hooked me. I love imagining that the ladder we climb to heaven is heaven itself, even if our feet are on the bottom rung. And I am prompted to ask where in the middle of real life, this ladder is propped up.

2018-07-12T09:33:21-05:00July 12, 2018|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

August Collection Connection

During the month of August we are collecting both new and gently used school uniforms for the children at Hartman Elementary. Khaki or navy pants and navy polo shirts, in sizes 6, 8, and 10 especially needed. Please leave your donations in the basket. Monetary donations marked “school uniforms” also needed.

2018-09-24T10:59:33-05:00July 11, 2018|Categories: Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church|

Coming Soon

Coming to Congregational Care in July: Learn more about our Stephen Ministry and how to become a trained caregiver. Join one of our new Circles of Care and enjoy meeting one of our homebound members. Learn more about a new opportunity to offer an occasional ride to an elderly member or neighbor Read More...

2018-06-28T14:38:59-05:00June 28, 2018|Categories: Congregational Care|
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