Parenting College Students

Thursday, August 13, 7:00-8:00 p.m. The college and young adult years are always filled with transitions that families have to negotiate, but this year we have the added stress of a pandemic and economic depression. Parents of college students are invited to a conversation to share joys, concerns, observations, and questions in Read More...

Backyard Bash 

This summer’s Backyard Bash offerings look a little different, but as we have done the last two summers, we are excited to offer online class offerings and activities for children and families, starting June 10. Our goals of community, spiritual development and fun are still present this year. You are invited to join one of these opportunities:

Centennial Collection Initiative

In 2020, Country Club Christian Church will celebrate its Centennial. As part of that celebration, a team is collecting information that will help tell the story of the church’s history. Do you have memories, photos, or records about the church? Anything that might illustrate your connections to the church and those of Read More...

2020-01-16T15:13:21-06:00January 16, 2020|Categories: About Us, Congregational Care|

Advent Devotions for 2019

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