Snow Days

By Lara Schopp, Director of Communications The snow crunches under my running shoes. I exhale a white cloud, inhale ice crystals. My fleece, thermal socks and ear warmer have coordinating bright orange details. I have cabin fever and have decided frigid temps, gray skies and slush-covered streets won’t keep me from my Read More...

2019-02-28T10:45:35-06:00February 28, 2019|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

Not in Latin

Dr. Mike Graves, Scholar in Residence and Minister of Spiritual Formation Among the church staff, there is something of a standing joke. When it’s your turn to write a piece like this one for the newsletter, if you don’t have it in by Tuesday noon when we meet, the draft will feature Read More...

2019-02-28T10:06:42-06:00February 28, 2019|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

Reflections on Pathways

Anne Haraughty, Ministries Coordinator If you were fortunate enough to attend Pathways to Learning last Sunday morning, you may still be digesting the information that was presented. Pakou Ker, Principal and Lead Organizer of the Tseng Development Group, led the first of two sessions concerning racial equity. She challenged us to name Read More...

2019-02-14T08:39:49-06:00February 14, 2019|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

My Comfort With Silence

Corey Meyer, Director of Mission Partnerships They told my mother I wasn’t ready for kindergarten. In Blue Springs they would do an interview-like meeting to assess whether children had learned some basic skills and were ready to be in the classroom. My “growing edge” (as we would say it today): social skills. Read More...

2019-01-31T14:06:48-06:00January 31, 2019|Categories: Articles, Corey Meyer|

We Come Together

Two- year-old George bounded down the center aisle with his big brothers and plopped down on the red carpeted steps in front of the communion table. Two seconds into the children’s sermon George stood, climbed up and cozied himself right into Rev Joe Walker’s lap. Though we were only eight minutes into the 9:01 worship service, with offering, communion and sermon still to go, for me the worship was already complete.

2019-01-31T10:12:37-06:00January 30, 2019|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

The Stillness of Snow

The snow, even days after it has fallen and as it turns brown and black from foot and road traffic, is absolutely wonderful to me. The frozen precipitation paints fresh beauty into familiar landscapes.

2019-01-16T14:11:23-06:00January 16, 2019|Categories: Articles, Tyler Heston|

Marjorie’s Story

I have a handwritten copy of a history presentation about our church. It was written and presented by Marjorie, a charter member of our church. She was a little girl, living a stone’s throw from the church, in the early 1900s.  She recalls that the land where our church stands was part of the Wornall Homestead.

2019-01-17T10:48:26-06:00January 16, 2019|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|
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