Staying Informed

Lara Schopp, Director of Communications W hen Glen Miles was the Senior Minister, he used to tell a story about good-hearted and well-intentioned lay leader who was passionate about a church project. “Glen, we’ve got to tell more people about this. Nobody knows it’s happening. We need to promote it. It needs Read More...

2019-01-03T12:34:14-06:00January 3, 2019|Categories: Staff Messages|

Scholar or Nerd?

Rev. Mike Graves, Scholar in Residence and Minister of Spiritual Formation When I was in seminary, there were days I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that what was being presented was a piece of trivia that would never come in handy, not in my daily life as a follower of Read More...

2018-12-13T13:19:14-06:00December 13, 2018|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

Innovation and Risk

I had heard about “pop up” restaurants and “pop up” retail shops but until last Sunday I had never heard a “Pick up” choir. One of our elders invited Dr. Paul Tucker to designate a Sunday where anyone who wanted to could sing in the choir on one Sunday. All you had to do was show up at 10:00 a.m. that day to rehearse the anthem for the 11:00 a.m. service.

2018-12-13T08:26:15-06:00December 13, 2018|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

Giving and Good Cheer

Rev. Corey Meyer, Director of Mission Partnerships Last February I received an e-mail from Lance Jesse, our chairperson of the Grants & Special Offerings Team, saying that we had two checks to deliver to some of our mission partners who were the recipients of our Christmas Offering. I thought, “Great! How kind Read More...

2018-11-29T14:36:24-06:00November 29, 2018|Categories: Articles, Corey Meyer, Metro Service, Serve|

The World Turns

Paul Cutelli, Director of Technology “…I hope that the world turns and that things get better. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with Read More...

2018-11-29T14:53:49-06:00November 28, 2018|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

Pick-Up Choir

Dina Pannabecker Evans, Executive Director, Operations, and Co-Director, Music The wealth of time and talent shared by volunteers here at Country Club Christian Church is a constant source of amazement to me. We are grateful for the difference these gifts make to the life of the church and its surrounding connections, be Read More...

2018-11-15T11:04:24-06:00November 15, 2018|Categories: Articles, Senior Minister Blog|

Holiday Conversations

Even in the gathering dusk the unadorned concrete slab on its native rock foundation was still warm from the summer sun. My grandmother, “Grams,” and I settled on the edge facing east; she with her feet on the roughhewn stone steps while I dangled my gangly legs over the side.

2018-11-15T11:03:35-06:00November 15, 2018|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|

On Gratitude

We had finished our bedtime stories and I was ready to tuck them in to bed. “I’m not saying it, I always say it.” My granddaughters (ages 5 and 8) began bickering about who would say the night night prayers. It was a standoff and my husband had to intervene to get us past the impasse.

2018-11-15T10:12:34-06:00November 15, 2018|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

Being a Questions Church

By Rev. Tyler Heston, Minister to Youth A couple days ago, I made a mistake I’m prone to making and got on Twitter while I was trying to be productive. In the middle of silly memes, tweets about Ariana, and reminders to vote, I saw a tweet that said that to be Read More...

2018-11-12T10:55:25-06:00November 12, 2018|Categories: Articles, Tyler Heston|


I am about 100 yards away from the beach. But I can’t quite get there. A few more things to read, memos to send, projects to complete. I look forward to the feel of the sand in my toes and the sound of the ocean rhythm. But I resist letting go of my important tasks a little longer.

2018-11-01T10:29:02-05:00November 1, 2018|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |
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