Holiday Memories

We will soon be embarking on the busiest time of the year. And for me, Advent and Christmas are the most exciting times in the church year. Holiday decorations everywhere and at home, holiday parties with family and friends, out-of-town guests, inspiring sermons, shopping for the special gift, cooking and eating delightful food: these things are wonderful and, quite often, they trigger memories from our past, especially childhood. 

2017-11-16T15:40:48-06:00November 16, 2017|Categories: Adult Music, Articles, Staff Messages|

The Marriage Parable

Twice in the past month or so, Carla has preached on two different parables in the Gospel of Matthew that utilize wedding symbolism. Apparently it’s a good metaphor for conveying spiritual truths in other matters. I have no intention of ever writing a Gospel of my own, but I do have a marriage parable to share.

2017-11-16T15:37:59-06:00November 16, 2017|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

Offering Thanks

After we stuffed ourselves with corn bread dressing, oyster dressing, turkey and sweet potatoes with browned marshmallows on top served on aunt Millie’s Franciscan Apple china, we lingered at the elegant dinning room table for hours telling stories and laughing. After the sun set, Dad said we were leaving but then Millie made turkey/cream cheese/cranberry sandwiches and we began the two-hour goodbye until finally we pulled out of the driveway, aunt Millie standing there waving until we were out of sigh

2017-11-16T13:48:01-06:00November 16, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |


When did I become “old”? That’s not a punchline, it’s a serious question.     Last weekend our congregation helped host Culver-Stockton College students on their “Know Thy Selfie” retreat. As a church we arranged for a service opportunity at Grace United Community Ministries, one of our Northeast neighborhood partners.

2017-11-02T15:49:24-05:00November 2, 2017|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|

One Missing Step

About a week ago, I was getting ready to take my son to school, and I headed down a half flight of stairs without a second thought. Moments later, I was flat on the floor below and in a fair amount of pain. In hindsight I realized I had missed the last step of the staircase and completely wiped out. A visit to the emergency room verified I had broken my right fibula.

2017-10-19T14:01:38-05:00October 19, 2017|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

An Expedition on the Parkway

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author Annie Dillard has an essay on worship that should have won an award somewhere along the way. In my mind it’s so important that I have my students read it in the Intro to Worship course every spring. The essay is titled “An Expedition to the Pole...”

2017-10-05T12:44:16-05:00October 5, 2017|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

Braggin’ Rights

The utility crews were peering into this hole the other day as I was walking through our parking lot. I asked if I could look, too, and they graciously agreed. I casually mentioned that it reminded me of the holes we dug for the foundation of a community center on our most recent mission in Nicaragua.

2017-09-21T09:13:58-05:00September 21, 2017|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker, Mission Trips|

We Are All Called

Install. The goal of the day was installation. Men were coming to install a new dishwasher in the morning, a new washing machine in the afternoon. Maybe the garage door installer would also show up to give us a bid. When the green and white truck pulled out of the driveway before noon, we were smiling and enjoying hearing the quiet hum of the new dishwasher. Then I turned on the kitchen faucet and no water came out. Something in the installation had gone terribly wrong.

2017-09-21T09:02:08-05:00September 21, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |
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