I vividly recall the first time I saw something called a “Macintosh,” a product of an unknown start-up Apple Computer. This little ivory-colored box was in a friend’s basement office and was only connected to the electrical outlet. As we huddled around its tiny black and white screen, it came to life with a little smiley face. Something in my very being sensed that we were peering into a window on the future. We were.

2017-08-10T13:06:54-05:00August 10, 2017|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|

Moving Day

Is there anything quite as unsettling as moving? Up until a year ago, I was blissfully ignorant of the logistics of relocating my family of three roughly fifteen blocks south. It felt like the world got turned upside down, put into boxes, and we shoved them wherever they would fit so the floors could be finished and the shelves installed in the basement. For that whole period of time, “home” was not a place, but something we—as a family—were discovering.

2017-08-10T13:00:46-05:00August 10, 2017|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

On Watching

I am writing to you from the monastery in Atchison where 125 Benedictine nuns are eagerly awaiting 600 guests who are coming to watch the full solar eclipse. An astronomer from the Vatican will be here to speak and they are serving hot dogs on the lawn. One nun giggled as she pictured people stopping on the highway to see the moment that hasn’t happened for 99 years and will not happen here again in our lifetimes.

2017-08-10T10:35:15-05:00August 10, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |


The renowned Lutheran scholar Gordon Lathrop claims that one of the many amazing things about Christian worship is how we set this next to that, what he calls “juxtaposition.” We set Sunday next to the other six days of the week, for instance. We set the preaching of the word next to the table. We set the rhythms of Advent and Lent next to Santa Claus and March Madness, respectively. This set next to that.

2017-07-13T12:11:56-05:00July 13, 2017|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|

The Traces We Leave

I’m currently in the process of cleaning out my desk as I prepare to transition into a fulltime position at church. The prospects ahead are exciting: short term, as we gear up for Carla Aday’s installation; and longer term, as we think about what 100 years of existence – and beyond – looks like...

2017-07-13T11:55:07-05:00July 13, 2017|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

From One to Astrophysics and Back

At first glance, two books could not seem more different. Who Counts? is a numbers book for children ages 3-8 based on scripture stories. I pretty much “get” that one. The other is Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil deGrasse Tyson. Everything I know about astrophysics I learned from “The Jetsons.”

2017-06-29T11:22:31-05:00June 29, 2017|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|

The Gathering

As someone new to the staff, I’m still learning lots of vocabulary particular to our congregation. Terms like Pathways (when a lot of Sunday school classes come together for a special education offering at the 10:00 a.m. hour), Faithbook (a Bible study Carla leads, playing off the well-known social media site), and now the Gathering (an occasional get-together in the library on Sunday mornings for anyone interested in knowing more about joining).

2017-06-29T11:01:11-05:00June 29, 2017|Categories: About Us, Articles, Mike Graves, Visitor Information|

On Listening

  By Lara Schopp, Director of Communications Andrew Forsthoefel had just graduated from college when he decided to walk across the country. He had no goal – he wasn’t raising money or awareness. He was walking to listen. He literally carried a sign that read “Walking to Listen,” and along his journey Read More...

2017-06-15T13:36:07-05:00June 15, 2017|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

Worship Works

Ask most church-going folks what they love best about Sundays and they will likely point to two things, worship services and a day of rest (even if the latter is more idealized thinking than reality). Skimming the newspaper, listening to National Public radio, enjoying some waffles, and, oh yes, sliding into a pew for some hymns, prayers, and a sermon; what a lovely Lord’s day morning.

2017-06-15T13:17:49-05:00June 15, 2017|Categories: Articles, Mike Graves|
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