Stay Informed

Last week my daughter’s school had two snow days. She, like most school-aged children, was thrilled. I remember those days of going to bed hoping for snow: waking up in the wee hours to peek out my window and check for accumulation; listening for my school’s name on the radio’s list of cancellations; excitement at a free day with nothing planned except maybe some sledding with my friends

2017-01-12T16:17:24-06:00January 12, 2017|Categories: Articles, Staff Messages|

The Secret Plan of God

The Apostle Paul, writing to a church in Ephesus, proclaims, “This mystery was not made known to humankind as it has now been revealed…” What is the mystery? What is the secret? God loves everyone. That’s it. That’s the mystery. God’s grace is not reserved for a special few who think alike and look alike and share similar beliefs. Nope. God’s grace is for everyone.

2017-01-12T16:03:32-06:00January 12, 2017|Categories: Articles, Senior Minister Blog|

First Fridays

I’ve lived in Kansas City for about six years now. And as long as I’ve lived here, I’ve wanted to go to First Fridays in the Crossroads District. Six years and I’ve never gone. I follow hundreds of local artists on social media and spend my nights flipping through their posts to see all of the fun and creative stuff they’re making.

2017-01-12T15:45:03-06:00January 12, 2017|Categories: Articles, Monica Lewis|Tags: , , |

In Between Time

The week between Christmas Day and the beginning of the New Year has always felt like a quiet, slow time when not much gets done.  This used to bother me. Even though I’d often be on vacation I would feel like I should be getting ready for the next sermon series or Read More...

2016-12-28T15:13:38-06:00December 28, 2016|Categories: Articles, Senior Minister Blog|

Go Confidently, Go Together

“In our most relaxed moments, we sit with our friends and fantasize about how we would like things to be—but we immediately retreat from the excitement such visions generate,” observes Rabbi Michael Lerner, “because we ‘know’ that they are impossible, that no one would ever join us in doing what needs to Read More...

2016-12-28T14:50:21-06:00December 28, 2016|Categories: Articles, Joe Walker|

A Quiet Christmas

Julie and I spent my day off last week beginning the process of prepping our house for sale. We decided to leave most of the Christmas decor in storage. We will hang the stockings over the fireplace and we have a beautiful Christmas arrangement of flowers from friends on display but nothing more.

2016-12-15T15:18:04-06:00December 15, 2016|Categories: Articles, Senior Minister Blog|
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