Books on Islam

According to the Pew Research Center, only 41 percent of Americans are able to state both the Muslim name for God and the name of the Islamic sacred text. Knowledge of the basic beliefs and practices of this beautiful religion is even lower.  I’m not an expert on Islam but I have Read More...

2016-06-08T13:17:42-05:00December 31, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog, The Well|

The Finest Gifts

On Dec. 24, 2003, my wife, Julie, was busy finalizing plans for our very first Kansas City Christmas celebration when there was an unexpected knock at the door. It was our next door neighbor. The neighbor was holding a beautiful Christmas basket full of homemade goodies and treats.   What surprised Julie Read More...

2015-12-17T15:57:53-06:00December 17, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Let's Pray and Then Act

“When Herod saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, he was infuriated, and he sent and killed all the children…” I’ve never preached a sermon on this verse at Christmas or any other time for that matter. It’s part of the story though. You may recall when Joseph and Read More...

2015-12-03T18:01:05-06:00December 3, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Will Love Win?

Our visit to the Holy Land two weeks ago included a stop at the Wailing Wall. On our way to this sacred place of prayer, we traveled past heavily armed Israeli soldiers. Just outside there was a concrete wall topped with barbed wire. I wasn’t sure who was being kept out (or Read More...

2015-11-19T21:44:55-06:00November 19, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Thy Kingdom Come

Two young, good looking men knocked on the door of a certain householder and asked, “Would you like to go to heaven?” The householder thought for a minute, then asked, “Will you two be there?” “Oh most definitely,” came the hearty reply. “Then I don’t want to go.” Many Christians think that Read More...

2015-10-08T15:54:59-05:00October 8, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Jesus Welcomes All

My buddy Mike Yaconelli was the Guru of American Youth Ministry. He ran workshops and conferences for youth ministers. Thousands of church youth workers from all over America would show up at these events. Mike almost always gave one of the keynote sermons. He was a powerful speaker. I attended several of Read More...

2015-09-14T18:47:00-05:00September 14, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Taking the Church to the World

Last week at the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) there was a genuine spirit of enthusiasm and joy as we encountered the ancient words of Isaiah calling us to raise our wings and “Soar!” There were many realistic voices of concern raised also. Worship attendance and church membership Read More...

2015-07-30T15:41:44-05:00July 30, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

We Are on a Mission from God

One of my all-time favorite movies is “The Blues Brothers,” starring John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd. They are ex-convicts who have put together a blues band in order to raise money for an orphanage. They are total losers. They seem to mess up at every opportunity.  Any time anyone asks them what Read More...

2015-07-02T14:20:08-05:00July 2, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

More Than Enough

“Our God is a great and wonderful God!”  I heard those words several years ago while on a mission trip to South Africa.  Our team was worshipping in a small church in Knapp’s Hope, a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.  The villagers shouted for joy, sang with great gusto and Read More...

2015-06-17T21:35:44-05:00June 17, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Summer Reading

Every year I like to share my summer reading list with you all.  If any of you are reading some of these books, please let me know!  I’d love to hear your thoughts about them. Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, by General Stanley McChrystal.  A friend, Read More...

2015-06-04T14:18:54-05:00June 4, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

History on the Fly

In the Oscar nominated film, Selma, we see a portrayal of Martin Luther King and his leadership that is both inspiring and honest.  King has been memorialized in stone, but as the movie demonstrates, no one, not even history’s greatest and most transformative leaders, emerge onto the world’s stage as icons.  The Read More...

2015-05-21T14:16:28-05:00May 21, 2015|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|
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