Grace Is Everywhere

Recently I had one of those weeks when it felt like there were no moments to pause, take a breath and enjoy the day. Meetings followed meetings.  Messages and emails piled up in my inbox. Calls needed to be made, notes reviewed, and more meetings conducted. By the end of the week Read More...

2014-10-09T14:56:35-05:00October 9, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Creating Sacred Space

Five hundred years before the time of Christ a Hebrew poet wrote:Enter God’s gates with thanksgiving,    and God’s courts with praise. For the Lord is good;    God’s steadfast love endures forever,    and God’s faithfulness to all generations I thought of these verses from Psalm 100 this morning as I walked around our Read More...

2014-09-10T23:12:30-05:00September 10, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

The True Test of Prayer

William Willimon, the former chaplain at Duke, says that the true test of prayer is not the style or the movement or the meaning; it is ethics. He says that “the test for what we do here from eleven to noon is what we do out there Monday through Saturday.” Sometimes I Read More...

2014-08-28T20:20:21-05:00August 28, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Telling the Truth to God

Telling the truth to God is not as easy it might sound, especially when it comes to prayer. I’ve given and heard many prayers over the years; at the Communion Table, in hospital rooms, at meals, in Sunday school classes, at weddings and funerals, even at football games. Many times the content Read More...

2014-08-18T15:15:14-05:00August 18, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Are You Ready for God?

Richard Rohr says, “If you are not ready to change, don’t seek out God.”  Spiritual growth means that something must change.  And if you’re like me, you may be more inclined to keep everything the same in order to avoid any change.   We need to be gentle with ourselves though. Life Read More...

2014-07-17T17:17:18-05:00July 17, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

What Does God Expect?

There have been times in my life when I wanted to know exactly what God wanted me to do, where to go, which job to take, even silly little things like “should I buy this TV or the other one?” Those decisions would be a lot easier if God would just tell Read More...

2014-07-03T15:44:35-05:00July 3, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Stewards of Grace

Peter, writing to the church two thousand years ago, instructs, “Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it.  Love makes up for practically anything” (1 Peter 4:8, The Message).   Have you ever noticed how strong love is when things are tough, when your life really does Read More...

2014-05-22T13:43:26-05:00May 22, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Wholly Weak

This weekend we begin a journey, one that will take us to a parade, an upper room, a cross and finally an empty tomb. It is a strange and wonderful time. I’ve been through it at least 55 times in my life, yet I am always surprised by the overwhelming ugliness and Read More...

2014-04-14T15:44:30-05:00April 14, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

The World Is Not a Stage

Jesus said, “Whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door.”  If Jesus had been a friend of Shakespeare’s he might have said, “No William, the world is not a stage.” Jesus’ instructions on living the spiritual life are very clear: Beware of practicing your piety in front of others. Read More...

2014-03-26T19:32:54-05:00March 26, 2014|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|
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