At Home with God

The Bible teaches that spiritual growth, change and new life are possible. However, this change is rarely quick or easy. I am certain this desire for change comes from a deep yearning within to go home, to feel safe, to be known. The main character in Pat Conroy’s novel, Beach Music says, Read More...

2016-10-20T11:17:34-05:00October 20, 2016|Categories: Articles, Senior Minister Blog|


Jonathan Martin, in his book How to Survive a Shipwreck, writes about the work of the Spirit, “The trademark of the Spirit is to first bewilder, not clarify. The fog that comes doesn’t always obscure the Spirit—sometimes it is the Spirit. To welcome Pentecost is to open ourselves to the possibility that God may be working in that Read More...

2016-09-23T08:19:11-05:00September 23, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Beyond Guilt

Helping folks move beyond the cloud of guilt is one of the most important works of the church. Guilt is not a bad thing if it helps you examine mistakes and failures. Guilt can be a bridge from sin and sorrow to new life and a new way of living but if Read More...

2016-09-09T12:02:41-05:00August 11, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Hope Does Not Disappoint

I like to say, especially when facing a tough task or serious issue that needs resolution, “I am ordained to be hopeful.” As a minister in the church of Jesus Christ I see the world and the people I serve through the lens of the resurrection story. Easter tells us death is Read More...

2016-09-09T12:03:36-05:00July 28, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Extravagant Love, Intimate Friendship

Paul ends his letter to the church in Corinth with a blessing: “The amazing grace of Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God and the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.” The first word on Paul’s list, grace, implies that God loves all people. To make sure we get it he adds a word about God’s extravagant love. Paul is painting with a broad brush here, so it is up to you and me to fill in the details.

2016-09-09T12:04:10-05:00July 15, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Now with God’s Help

A man came to see the great German theologian, Martin Luther. The young adult was afraid that he might be committing a sin and end up being punished and sent to eternal fire for something he didn’t even realize he was doing wrong. He was overwhelmed with worry. Luther could hardly contain Read More...

2016-09-09T12:05:57-05:00June 1, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Jesus Sought Me When a Stranger

Last Sunday as the KU Chamber Singers combined with our own Chancel Choir filled the rafters of our sanctuary with the overwhelmingly beautiful sound of the final anthem for the day, “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” my vision was momentarily blocked by the tears pooling in my eyes. I could barely Read More...

2016-09-09T12:05:10-05:00May 5, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

You Gotta Keep Dancin'

Tim Hansel, in his book You Gotta Keep Dancin’, tells how his faith grew following a hiking accident. He had fallen and broken his back. After years of physical therapy he was still in pain. He recovered and was able to move around, run, and exercise, but the constant ache never left. Read More...

2016-04-21T15:33:58-05:00April 21, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|

Holy Falling

When have you have grown the most in your faith, in your search for something holy and sacred? When have you discovered that pearly ache for something beyond your own simple desires? Was it at a time when everything was perfect and wonderful and there was nothing to worry about or did Read More...

2016-04-07T16:44:06-05:00April 7, 2016|Categories: Senior Minister Blog|
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