
I listened to an interview with author and professor, George Saunders. In the interview he shared about the time he went incognito in a homeless shelter in Fresno, California. There he met a wise older man from Guatemala who kept saying “Everything is always keep changing.” Professor Saunders says that truer words Read More...

2020-09-10T17:20:13-05:00September 10, 2020|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

A Fountain

Deep and Wide Deep and Wide There’s a fountain flowing deep and wide. Thirty-two years ago was my first official day on the job at Country Club Christian Church. I could not have imagined then the depth and width I would experience inside the contours of this beloved congregation. I did not Read More...

2020-09-01T17:29:53-05:00September 1, 2020|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|

The Middle

  “Everything looks like a failure in the middle. Everyone loves inspiring beginnings and happy endings; it is just the middles that involve hard work.” - Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard Business Review 2009 Back in March, we thought we needed to hunker down for a few weeks or maybe even a few months Read More...

2020-07-10T09:46:41-05:00July 10, 2020|Categories: Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |


I was taught that there were five senses: taste, touch, sight, smell, sound. All ways of knowing the world around us, of taking in the beauty of a hibiscus blossom or the sumptuousness of the first summer tomato. Something resonates in the heart when we hear a loved one’s voice on the other end of the telephone. Our senses do not just make us safe. They seem like a passageway to the soul.

2020-06-19T08:09:39-05:00June 19, 2020|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |
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