We Are All Called

Install. The goal of the day was installation. Men were coming to install a new dishwasher in the morning, a new washing machine in the afternoon. Maybe the garage door installer would also show up to give us a bid. When the green and white truck pulled out of the driveway before noon, we were smiling and enjoying hearing the quiet hum of the new dishwasher. Then I turned on the kitchen faucet and no water came out. Something in the installation had gone terribly wrong.

2017-09-21T09:02:08-05:00September 21, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

On Watching

I am writing to you from the monastery in Atchison where 125 Benedictine nuns are eagerly awaiting 600 guests who are coming to watch the full solar eclipse. An astronomer from the Vatican will be here to speak and they are serving hot dogs on the lawn. One nun giggled as she pictured people stopping on the highway to see the moment that hasn’t happened for 99 years and will not happen here again in our lifetimes.

2017-08-10T10:35:15-05:00August 10, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday, Senior Minister Blog|Tags: |

Who Invites Who?

At an oval conference table, my clergy colleagues pulled up a chair and glanced at the agenda. Hmm. Stewardship season again? At the head of the conference room table, a tall white haired elder with broad shoulders and a booming voice took his seat.

2017-05-18T10:56:29-05:00May 18, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|

Together in a New Way

I had never been to Kansas City. A vivacious and beautiful young single woman in a brown Oldsmobile sedan picked me up from the airport. The next thing I knew I was seated at a restaurant on the Plaza and there was a large Texas state flag hanging on the wall behind our table. For two days I met with various committees from the church. They packed a lot of the saints onto those committees.

2017-04-06T14:38:26-05:00April 6, 2017|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|Tags: |

Walking the Way

  I heard giggles. It was dark and I wasn’t sure who was behind me. We had departed the crackling campfire and were traversing the starlit path back to our lodge. “What is it?” I asked, not wanting to miss out on a good joke. And then these two young women in Read More...

2016-11-03T14:36:58-05:00November 3, 2016|Categories: Articles, Carla Aday|Tags: , |

A Palace in Time

by Rev. Carla Aday, Executive Minister “The seventh day is like a palace in time with a kingdom for all” wrote the Jewish mystic Abraham Joshua Heschel. The Sabbath, the seventh day, was distinguished from all of the other days because on this day God created “tranquility, serenity, peace and repose.” Rather Read More...

2016-09-09T11:56:44-05:00June 1, 2016|Categories: Carla Aday, Church Life|
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