Holiday Memories

We will soon be embarking on the busiest time of the year. And for me, Advent and Christmas are the most exciting times in the church year. Holiday decorations everywhere and at home, holiday parties with family and friends, out-of-town guests, inspiring sermons, shopping for the special gift, cooking and eating delightful food: these things are wonderful and, quite often, they trigger memories from our past, especially childhood. 

2017-11-16T15:40:48-06:00November 16, 2017|Categories: Adult Music, Articles, Staff Messages|

Operation Thanksgiving: Della Lamb Food Drive

Support Della Lamb’s Operation Thanksgiving by bringing non-perishable food items to the Thanksgiving Dinner on Thurs., Nov. 16. (Items will be accepted any time before then too.) Each year Della Lamb collects items to provide more than 1,700 low-income families with groceries, recipes and special holiday greetings. This project is being led Read More...

2017-11-02T15:45:48-05:00November 2, 2017|Categories: Connect, Metro Service, Serve, Serve Our Church, Youth Ministry|
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