Hartman Outdoor Classroom Dedicated

  On May 25 students, school personnel, and volunteers gathered to dedicate the newly rebuilt Hartman Elementary School Outdoor Classroom. The project was a collaborative effort of the Church of the Resurrection (United Methodist Church), Kansas City Public Schools, and Country Club Christian Church. Church of the Resurrection’s Thursday Construction Crew donated Read More...

2017-06-01T11:43:31-05:00June 1, 2017|Categories: Connect, Metro Service, Serve|Tags: |

Easter Offering Raises Record Amount

On behalf of the members and friends of Country Club Christian Church, the Outreach Grants and Special Offerings Team was able to present to the Veterans Community Project a check in the amount of $32,596. The total amount of the offering was $41,082. This is the largest amount that our congregation has ever raised for a Easter/special offering.

2017-05-17T15:50:44-05:00May 17, 2017|Categories: Give, Serve, Serve Our Church|Tags: , |
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