The season of Advent is a time of preparation.  We shop for gifts, we plan and attend parties, we add an extra worship service or two and maybe a concert or pageant to our regular routines.  All of this is done to get us ready for the arrival of the Christmas celebration.

However, if we are not careful we will forget that we are also getting ready for the intrusion of God into our lives.  The word intrusion is not one that conjures up warm and fuzzy feelings but it is an accurate way to describe the full aspect of this season.  It is a reminder to us that God wants to come into our lives and take us to somewhere new, to help us see that we are not alone.

We gather at the communion table in our worship services at Country Club Christian every week to remind us that God has entered fully into human life.  Sometimes it seems strange to pause for the Lord’s Supper during the Advent rush to Christmas. After all, who wants to “remember the Lord’s death” as we often say during communion, but it helps us recall the sad truth that not everyone wants God in their lives.

At the communion table we recall that this one named Jesus, this one who came preaching simple basic truths about love of neighbor and a gracious life for all, this one, was seen as an intruder by the political and religious leaders of his day. The Lord’s Supper is a solemn reminder that these powerful ones sought to silence him. We also remember at that table that the love of God cannot be silenced. Sometimes it is hard to believe that. But the season of Advent invites us to wait for the sound of an Angel’s voice declaring above the din,

And you beneath life’s crushing load whose forms are bending low,
who toil along the climbing way, with painful steps and slow,
look now for glad and golden hours come swiftly on the wing;
O rest beside the weary road and hear the angels sing!

Peace to you and your journey to Christmas!
