Romans 5: 1-2

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.”

When we met with the hospice chaplain, we didn’t quite know what to do. Granny had been living with dementia for many years and over the past month, her condition had deteriorated more rapidly than we expected. She now lay in the bed, unresponsive. During the previous months, the girls and I had been to visit a few times every week, bringing her favorite fruit flavored shake. We would talk about what was going on in our family, and she would light up when Jordan, age 2, would reach out for a hug. Yet, now it was hard to know what to do, how to connect with this person who appeared to be so not there.

We stood beside the bed as the chaplain introduced herself. She read some scripture and said a prayer. Then she did the most beautiful thing. She began to sing. Almost immediately Granny’s breathing relaxed, the most peaceful expression came across her face, and her toes even moved a little to the music.

After the chaplain left, I stepped up to the bed and began to sing to Granny. We went through all of her favorite old hymns, many of which she had taught me as a young child. I’m not sure why it didn’t occur to me to sing to her before, knowing her love of music. Thanks to the example of that chaplain, our last few visits were not filled with sad, tense silence, but instead sweet songs of faith and precious shared memories.

Gracious God: We give thanks for those who have helped to shape our faith. Help us to minister to those that most need your care. Amen.

Ms. Laine Riley
Associate Director of Music